the revolution in the world of investments.

Think about your savings. How cool is it to see them grow, without you doing anything? A dream. And to know they're also helping the environment? Even better. And to manage them with an app? The best.

Why Beewise

Fly high with just 10€.

Fly high with just 10€.

With Beewise, you can start small.

You can start to invest with just 10€. Add a small amount each month, however much you want, and without even noticing, you’ll see your investment grow.

Make a wish, or two. Even three?

Make a wish, or two. Even three?

There’s got to be something you want…

Travel around the world, a house by the sea, a convertible. Or even just a new sofa. You choose the goal, and we help you reach it.

Your savings grow with the trees.

Your savings grow with the trees.

What if we told you that by investing, it’s possible to improve the quality of life for people and the planet?

We offer 5 investment portfolios, all integrated with ESG critieria. Plus, you can even contribute to the WeForest reforestation project.

Got any savings? Tap here!

Got any savings? Tap here!

With the Personal Financial Manager function, you can set a monthly budget for each category.

The app will notify you if you are going over or saving, depending on the budget you set. At the end of the month, all you need is a tap to invest your savings.

Keep stress away.

Keep stress away.

Invest with Beewise, even if you aren’t a finance expert.

Set your goals, your budget and choose the thematic portfolio that you like. You can’t go wrong, the app will suggest the appropriate investment profile for you and a team of experts will manage your portfolio.

You'll be happy today, tomorrow and the day after.

You'll be happy today, tomorrow and the day after.

Is your goal to guarantee a better future? You’re wise and a perfect Beewiser.

With long-term investments, you increase the possibility of your assets’ growth. Beewise makes watching your savings grow easy.

Cool, but how much would I earn?

Your initial investment:


Your monthly investment:


For how long:

1 year

Bank account

*The estimated value is not guaranteed, it could be susceptible to variations. Such projections do not constitute a reliable indicator of future results.

And the environment benefits from it.

While you take care of your savings, we take care of the trees. More green, less CO2, a planet that's breathing better. And we dream big: together with WeForest, we'll create a reforestation project. To lend us a hand, just invest.
Discover the project

We've been doing this for 30 years.

We're part of Azimut, leader in the investment market. That's why you can rest assured - We guarantee you selected funds, a 30-year experience and absolute reliability.
Get to know us

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Believe, invest, grow.

© 2025 Beewise, a brand of Azimut Investments S.A. All rights reserved.
Azimut Investments S.A. 2A, Rue Eugène Ruppert L-2453 Luxembourg